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More Legal Research Tools

I received information regarding a new IP consulting firm, Criterion Dynamics [1], tagline: “IP Centric Market Research”. Criterion Dynamics is a consulting firm offering patent and trademark searching and customized competitive intelligence services. They specialize in secondary research and claim to know the fundamentals of business and to “understand where intellectual property fits into the bigger picture.”

They offer a case law search tool called EZLegalResearch [2] that forwards you to a Google Custom Search Engine.  Just type in what you are looking for, hit enter, and click on ‘case law search’ and the search engine will use Google to search for summary judgments, opinions, and alternate info among slightly more than 100 selected sites – including Patent Baristas [3].

Criterion claims that “Our company was founded under the vision of a corporate world where patent lawyers and business executives do not merely co-exist, but work hand in hand with one another to accomplish shared goals.”

It made me nervous, though, that a click on the upper logo takes you to a site called Quick Sand Productions. Check it out to see if you can add this to your toolbox of searching implements.